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By Wolfboy

Emma’s defeat to Xena leads to a surprise for me

The immediate aftermath of Emma’s loss to the South African powerhouse Xena Stevens had given rise to a new ‘problem’. Emma had two stitches inserted into the cut over her eye brow and along with some bruising; it was hardly the sort of thing that Emma could easily conceal at work.

‘I had to tell Claire how this happened’ Emma had said to me one evening not long after the match when she returned from work. ‘She thought that you had done it to me, so I had to tell her.’

‘Fair enough’ I agreed ‘there wasn’t really a lot else you could do; it was always likely this would happen at some stage anyway. So, how did she take it?’ I asked

‘Well, to be honest, she still didn’t believe me at first’ Emma said. ‘In the end, I got her to shut the shop for half an hour over lunch and brought her here so that I could prove it. I showed her the ring in the garage, plus a bit of a video clip from my match against Britney.’

‘What did she make of that then?’ I asked.

‘Well, I’d figured that she’d be pretty shocked or something, but to be honest’ Emma continued ‘she took it all in her stride and told me that she’d always been interested in the idea of women fighting and wrestling; watches it quite often on the internet but never had the nerve to give it a go.’

‘Well, I guess your secret is safe there at least’ I said, still not really sensing where this was going.

‘The thing is though, we got talking afterwards, and I think I’ve kind of talked her in to giving it a go’ Emma answered a little surprisingly; not as surprising as when she continued ‘I said to her that I thought mum would be prepared to help train her up if she really wanted to give it a go. I also said that you would be the perfect person to manage her because you took such good care of me when I was starting out.’

I was a little flattered that Claire had agreed to me doing that, and I agreed ‘as long as Debbie’s OK with training Claire, I’m sure I can manage her as long as it’s OK with you Em?’

‘Well mum’s already agreed, and of course I’m OK with you managing her or I wouldn’t have suggested you. I guess you have the job then! You already know Claire anyway, so it’s not like you need to get to know her I guess; you just need to find out what she wants to do exactly. I’ve set up for Claire and mum to come here tomorrow evening, so the three of you can sort it all out then.’

Sounds great then; so you know Claire better than me Em, do you think she’ll take to it?’ I asked her.

‘Well, first of all, she’s fit enough’ Emma said, batting my arm as I laughed, and she went on ‘no, not like that Steve; I mean physically of course!’ She’s not as big as me either, though I confess I don’t know exactly how tall or heavy she is. Apart from that, I know she seems really up for the idea, and it’s something she watches at least. I guess you’ll just have to see how it develops.

·         *                                     *                                             *                                             *

So, the following evening, I was talking to Debbie in the garage ring at our house while we waited for Claire to arrive. I wondered what Debbie had in mind for Claire, but before we’d really got in to that discussion, Emma had brought Claire through into the garage before leaving us to it.

‘Hi Claire’ I said to my potential new ‘client’, ‘so you’re still keen to give this a go then?’ I asked her.

‘Yeah Steve’ she replied. ‘It sounds unlikely, but it’s really something I’ve always fancied having a go at. I just had no idea that there was so much organised underground catfighting!’

‘Surprising isn’t it?’ I agreed remembering how I had been introduced to the whole thing a few years before. ‘Do you know Debbie?’ I asked Claire as I introduced the two women.

‘We’ve met a few times when you’ve been into the shop haven’t we?’ Claire said to Debbie. ‘Thank you so much for agreeing to help me out with this; both of you’ Claire said.

‘No problem’ Debbie replied ‘I’m looking forward to it actually. It’s been a good while since I’ve trained someone up more or less from scratch. You’re in safe hands with Steve as well; he managed Emma very carefully while she was learning the ropes. So, Steve probably needs to go through a few bits and pieces with you, then if you fancy, we’ll work on a few things in the ring just to give you a bit of a taster. I’ll be back down in ten minutes or so.’

‘So what do you need to know Steve?’ Claire asked me

‘Well, believe it or not, I used a website to get quite a few of Emma’s matches set up in the early days. I’m planning to use the same thing for you, so I need to put a few details on there so that we can get you registered. So, working down the registration form, I need height?’

‘5 feet 3 inches’ Claire said

‘Weight?’ I said as I wrote down her first answer.

‘I’m just a shade under 9 stones I think Steve’ she replied

‘That’s good enough for this because if I’m honest, I never think all of the stats on her are perfect. I’ll put you down at 126lbs for now. So apart from that, I need your vital statistics and dress size?’

‘Really?’ Claire asked ‘Well, fair enough, I’m 34DD-24-35 and I’m a size 10 for most things’

‘Right, so I’ll put your data up on the website, but for now, I won’t look for any opponents for you yet Claire. I’ll leave it up to Debbie to tell me when she thinks you’re ready for that. The other thing we have to start to think about is rules because you get to set your own rules within a couple of guidelines for when you fight at your home venue. The only things that are laid down as guides are the match should be at least 20 minutes in duration and stripping of clothes down to topless at least is expected to be allowed. Never seen any rules that didn’t allow for hair pulling either to be honest. There’s no rush on that though’ I said.

‘Probably as well’ Claire admitted ‘I haven’t really thought about that side of things at all. Perhaps I’ll get some ideas from training with Debbie’ she suggested.

‘I’d have thought so. Debbie and Emma are the experts, so talk it through with them; I just get to enjoy the show most of the time!’ I admitted

Debbie came back into the garage at that point, and asked Claire ‘do you want to get into the ring so that we can try a few things out?’

Claire slipped through the ropes still in her jeans and t shirt as well as a pair of pretty high heeled shoes. Debbie had on a pair of black leggings and a vest top and was barefoot. ‘OK Claire’ Debbie said’ kick your shoes off, and we’ll start with some basics. Steve’s going to stay and watch, because we might as well get you used to fighting in front of him if he’s going to manage you. Is that OK?’

‘Sure’ Claire agreed ‘nice to have an audience....’

‘OK, some basic wrestling to start with’ Debbie said’ this is a headlock’ she continued before wrapping Claire up in a side headlock. Each time, Debbie would apply a move to Claire, and then Claire would apply the same move to Debbie with some guidance. They ran though bear hugs, front headlocks, hammer locks and so on. I could tell Claire was doing OK as she drew a couple of gasps from Debbie who was, predictably, proving able to draw plenty of her own from Claire.

That stage of the training complete, Debbie moved on to some more ground based moves – an assortment of body and head scissors as well as full nelsons and head locks were worked through on the mat with both women taking a turn on the receiving end. Debbie was clearly impressed with her students’ strong legs as she put them to good use in the scissor holds. This section was rounded off by a grapevine pin, both women taking the opportunity to spread the other’s legs wide apart. The last thing Debbie planned to work on was some of the more traditional catfighting tactics which I thought might be a bigger test of Claire’s determination to go ahead with this.

‘So we’ll just do a few catfight tactics now to round things off if you like Claire?’

‘Why not’ the little raven haired woman agreed.

‘OK, to start with, hair pulling!’ Debbie said ‘It’s simple to do, but it hurts like crazy if it’s done right. So to start with, let’s do a hair tug of war; we’ll start in the middle of the ring and try to pull each other to the ropes by a double handful of hair.’

On the first attempt, Debbie quickly overwhelmed Claire pulling her to the ropes quickly, but it was pretty clear that Claire had been fairly reticent to pull Debbie’s hair. ‘Don’t worry about hurting me Claire’ Debbie said ‘I’m used to it, so pull as hard as you can, I won’t mind.’

‘OK, I will’ Claire agreed ‘it’s just that I’ve never pulled anyone’s hair before so I guess it might just take me a while to get the idea. Can we give it another go?’

So the two women grabbed each other’s hair again and set about trying to pull each other to the ropes again. This time it was obvious that Claire was trying much harder, digging her feet into the mats whilst pulling away at the long brunette hair of Debbie. After a minute or so, they agreed to call the second one a stalemate before Debbie moved on to slapping, saying that they would work up to punching and face slapping later on. The last two things that Debbie wanted to go over with Claire were breast smothers and breast clawing.

‘We’ll do the breast clawing first Claire’ Debbie said ‘similar to the hair tug of war; try and push me back to the ropes but this time a hand on each breast and squeeze them while you’re pushing. With your shirt on, this shouldn’t be too bad, plus my nails are short at the moment as well. Ready?’ With that, Debbie and Claire locked their hand on to the other’s breasts and started to squeeze them while pushing for all they were worth. This time, I could tell that Claire was more into it as she started to gain the upper hand before Debbie used her experience to finally force Claire back to the ropes.

‘Good Claire, you really seem to be getting into it now’ Debbie admitted.

‘It takes a bit of getting used to’ Claire agreed ‘I think I’m getting the hang of it now though’

‘OK, last thing for now I think; let’s work on the breast smother. I think you may have a bit of a natural advantage over me here!’ Debbie laughed as both women got down on to the mat. ‘The key is controlling the head with this one so that you can keep their nose and mouth covered as well as you can. I’ll show you first; tap my back when you’ve had enough Claire’ Debbie told her before lying on top of her, wrapping her arms around Claire’s head and pulling her face into her breast. Claire kicked her legs a bit, but hung in there for a good 30 seconds before asking to be released.

‘Wow, that’s effective!’ Claire admitted before climbing on top for her go. Like Emma, Claire had impressive large breasts which would be both a target for opponents and a useful weapon in situations like this as she copied Debbie’s technique as best as she could before pulling Debbie’s face into her breasts. Debbie lasted a little longer, but not much before getting released from the hold.

‘I think that’s going to be an effective finishing move for you Claire’ Debbie announced as Claire got off her. ‘Can’t see anyone lasting too long in there! So that’s just a little taste of what it’s like Claire; how do you feel about it now? Debbie asked her.

‘Like I’ve got a lot to learn’ Claire laughed ‘but I still want to if that’s what you mean?’

‘Excellent’ Debbie remarked ‘I was hoping that would be how you’d feel. So how often can you come and train with me? Debbie asked her.

‘I can do every Wednesday evening for sure; maybe a few other days here and there. Will you need me to come here? Claire asked.

‘No, you can come to my house; I still have a ring set up in the basement from when I used to fight regularly’ Debbie told her. ‘OK, let’s start a week tomorrow then. At first it’ll just be me and you working on this together. I might call in a couple of friends to help me with things from time to time though.’

‘I’ll try and come along every two or three weeks as well Claire’ I told her. ‘It’ll help me to keep tabs on how you’re coming along, though I’ll let Debbie be the judge of when you’re ready for matches. More importantly, it’ll get you used to the idea of me being there, because at some stage, you will probably end up wearing very little in the midst of a fight, and the last thing you need is to be feeling self conscious because of me being there’ I said. I knew that Claire liked to wear the odd revealing outfit at times, but I knew this would be much different for her at first.

‘Well, thank you both so much for helping me’ Claire said, hugging us both ‘I can’t believe that I’m actually going to do this!’

So Debbie would continue to train Claire with the aim of turning the little, raven haired woman into a catfighter while I would look in on her progress from time to time before she was ready to make her debut.

·         *                                     *                                             *                                             *

‘So, what did you guys think?’ Emma asked us both after Claire had left.

‘She seems really keen on the whole idea’ I said.

‘She is’ Debbie agreed ‘She’s fairly strong too, but she’s never fought anyone in her life, so it might just take us a while to find that real competitive spirit in her. Give me time though....’

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