Wolfboy's Catfight Stories

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Name:                    Jemma Baines

Height :                  5 feet 7 inches

Weight:                 147 lbs

Age :                      20

Breasts:                  36D   

Waist:                     23

Hips:                       36

Latest Match :       vs Toni

Titles Held:                None

Wins:                      15

Losses:                    5


Fights Involving Jemma

200 - A Chip Off The Old Block

203 - Giving It Another Go

207 - Submit To Me

210 - Jemma Goes Pro

211 - Tearing A Strip Off Her

216 - French (Un)Dressing

221 - Don't Stack The Deck Against You

224 - The Bedroom Brawl

227 - A Local Challenge

236 - I'll Show You How It's Done

249 - Fight Club Revisited

256 - The Collector

260 - Muay Thai Maul

262 - Outback Brawl

265 - Arabian Fights - Desert Nights

269 - The Yammamoto Dojo

275 - Queen Of The Facesit

282 - Teacher A Lesson

285 - Welcome To The Big Leagues

290 - The Angels Of New York

291 - Fast Fight

295 - I'll Go Through You